Tokubetsu Juyo Norishige
Tanto  - Mei: Norishige                           Late-Kamakura Period
Nagasa: 25.5cm
Sori: Uchizori
Moto-Haba: 2.3cm
Saki-Haba: -
Moto-Kasane: 0.55cm
Kissaki-Naga: -
Nakago-Nagasa: 9.0cm
Nakago-zori: slight

Hira-zukuri, Mitsu-Mune, wide Uchizori Tanto. 

O-Itame Hada with Mokume mixed. Ji-Nie is thick. This Hada mix is unique and called Matsukawa "Pine-Bark." 

Wide Yaki-Haba has Ko-Notare, Gunome mix with deep-falling Ashi. Mune-yaki is theme. Ura Koshi-Moto has Yubashiri dotting along. Deep Ko-Nie engulfs the mid where Sunagashi and Kinsuji are plentiful.

Midare-Komi Boshi falls in Yakizume through Hakikake. 

Kuri-Jiri Nakago has slight Katte-sagari Yasuri. Signed in the ceneter below a single Ana. 

Read about Norishige and his School
Etchu Norishige
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