YAMASHIRO RAI School RYOKAI - See RYOKAI School _____________ RAI KUNITOSHI SHO-O 1288 ___|__ RYOKAI EI-NIN 1293 |______________________ ___|____ -brothers- ___|____ HISANOBU TOKU-JI 1306 KUNIHISA SHO-KEI 1332 |___________ _____________________ _________________ ___|_____ ____|___ ____|___ ____|____ NOBUMITSU NOBUHISA (NOBUKUNI) HISAKUNI YOSHISADA - KEM-MU 1334 - GEN-TOKU 1329 RYAKU-O 1338 RYOKAI(1) EI-NIN (f: KUNITOSHI): RYOKAI Founder. His history was swept up in the divergent views regarding KUNITOSHI. One theory has RAI KUNITOSHI and RYOKAI, sons of KUNITOSHI: ________________________ Errant: Two-characters KUNITOSHI KO-AN 1278 _________________________| ___|__ - brothers - ________|____ RYOKAI EI-NIN 1293 RAI KUNITOSHI SHO-O 1288 However, RYOKAIs' sword style, as passed down to the NOBUKUNI and RYOKAI Schools, resembles the more conservative "Three-characters" RAI KUNITOSHI SUGUHA. RYOKAI made KUNITOSHI-style narrow TACHI and narrow MU-SORI or KANMURI-OTOSHI TANTO. KO-ITAME veiled in JI-NIE. RAI style patching varies weak UTSURI. Tightly defined KO-NIE HOSO-SUGUHA from which ASHI are seen. KO-GUNOME or CHOJI patterns push from within MIDARE BA. NIOI may appear weak. Signed with thin strokes. TANTO MEI seem rounded. See RYOKAI School following RAI RYOKAI RYOKAI SAKU YAMASHIROnoKUNI JUNIN RYOKAI SAKU |
- Juyo Bunkazai Ryokai Nagasa: 2 Shaku 7 Sun 2 Bu (82.57cm) Sori: 1 Sun (3.03cm) Moto-haba: 1 Sun (3.03cm) Saki-haba: 5 Bu 4 Rin (1.64cm) Kissaki-naga: 8 Bu (2.42cm) Moto-kasane: 2 Bu 9 Rin (0.88cm) Saki-kasane: 1 Bu 6 Rin (0.48cm) Nakago: 7 Sun 6 Bu (23.48cm) Shinogi-tsukuri, Ihori-mune with strong and Koshizori and stout Chu-Kissaki. Ko-Itame mixes with Masame Hada, Shirake drifts over. Hoso-Sugu line has Ko-Midare Ko-Choji within. Ko-Ashi define in a mostly tight Nioi-guchi. Ko-Midare that approaches the Ha closely. Suriage Nakago, two Mekugi-ana and signed in the lower: Ryokai - Ka-Gen Ninen Ni-Gatsu Hi (1304) Yamashiro Jinin KuroSa |
- Kokuho Ryokai - Kokuho Nagasa: 27.2cm Moto-haba: 2.6cm U-noKubi Tsukuri, Mitsu-Mune, Muzori. Naginata-Hi Ko-Itame Hada has Masame with Ji-Nie. Tight Nioi-Guchi Chu-Suguha becomes Nijuba with Ko-Nie. Tsuki-age Boshi. Ubu Haagari Nakago has two mekugi-ana. Ryokai |