~ A Poem of Echoes ~
One of the Great Kinko Tsuba
Motte Chichi Mitsuoki Han-Cho
Mitsuhiro Ho Sen

His father's work, finished by the son. Mitsuhiro states this Tsuba mirrors it's Kusunoki motif in that the work of the father is taken up by his son. 

This unique poignancy places this Tsuba as one of the most important pieces, extant. 


The Kusunoki banner beckons 
               from moss and brook

The famous tragedy is echoed by this creation of father Otsuki Mitsuoki
which was finished after his death by son Otsuki Mitsuhiro

Kusunoki father, Masashige informs his son of his surely-coming death
collection of Bob Erber

Kihachiro Mitsuoki (1766 - 1834) founded the Otsuki School and is regarded as one of the famous Kyoto Sansaku, "Three Greats" of Kyoto, along with TetsuGendo Shoraku and Ichi-no-Miya Nagatsune. Son, Gozaemon Mitsuhiro (1795 - 1841) completed this Tsuba after the death of his father. 
                                Shibuichi ground with multiple alloys inlaid.
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